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coccolithophores تأثير محطم

Coccolithophores: an environmentally significant and …

Coccolithophores are very noteworthy and they are explored to a great extent as nannofossils to reconstruct the past climate. Calcite plates in coccolithophores …

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Coccolithophores: From Molecular Processes to …

Coccolithophores are emerging as a prime model for interdisciplinary global change research due to their great abundance, wide distribution and exemplary geological record. The results presented in this book address …

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Blooming around the world: A story of coccolithophore co …

Coccolithophores are a cosmopolitan phytoplankton adorned with outer plates made of calcium carbonate, a form of inorganic carbon that is the same material found in seashells and classroom chalk. Globally, coccolithophores are estimated to make up anywhere from 5 to 40% of the global primary production, or food creation using …

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Origin and Evolution of Coccolithophores: From Coastal …

This chapter discusses the origin and evolution of coccolithophores and presents an up-to-date summary of coccolithophore evolution, integrating recent …

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What is a Coccolithophore? Fact Sheet

At any one time a single coccolithophore is attached to or surrounded by at least 30 scales. Additional coccoliths are dumped into the water when the Coccolithophores multiply asexually, die or simply make too many scales. In areas with trillions of Coccolithophores, the waters will turn an opaque turquoise from the dense …

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Coccolithophore calcification: Changing paradigms in …

Coccolithophores produce intricate calcite scales (coccoliths) internally that they secrete onto their external surface. This review presents some recent key …

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Coccolithophore community response to ocean acidification …

Coccolithophores are a group of calcifying phytoplankton that can reach high abundances in the Mediterranean Sea, and whose responses to OA are modulated by temperature and nutrients.

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Re-evaluation of the physiological ecology of coccolithophores …

As predicted by Margalef, coccolithophores should be most abundant in conditions of moderate turbulence and nutrient concentrations. However, blooms of coccolithophores (and other algal groups, too) show day length preferences, suggesting that the Margalef Mandala might be expanded to include day length as a third dimension.

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Coccolithophore distributions of the North and South …

There have been a number of key basin-scale studies of coccolithophores, their distributions in the pelagic realm as well as in the sediments (Hagino et al., 2000; McIntyre and Be, 1967; Okada and Honjo, 1973a, b; Okada and McIntyre, 1977, 1979).Indeed, much of what we know about coccolith distributions in sediments was …

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A global compilation of coccolithophore calcification rates

Abstract. The biological production of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), a process termed calcification, is a key term in the marine carbon cycle. A major planktonic group responsible for such pelagic CaCO3 production (CP) is the coccolithophores, single-celled haptophytes that inhabit the euphotic zone of the ocean. Satellite-based estimates of …

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Coccolithophores and the biological pump: responses to

Coccolithophores, which are considered to be the most productive calcifying organisms on earth, play an important role in the marine carbon cycle. The formation of calcite skeletons in the surface layer and their subsequent sinking to depth modifies upper-ocean...

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Coccolithophores: Functional Biodiversity, Enzymes and …

Emiliania huxleyi is a single celled, marine phytoplankton with global distribution. As a key species for global biogeochemical cycling, a variety of strains have been amassed in various culture collections. Using a library consisting of 52 strains of E. huxleyi and an 'in house' enzyme screening program, we have assessed the functional …

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Coccolithophores | Palaeontology and life history

Coccolithophores are one of the primary algal groups in the oceans. They are the focus of research in many disciplines due to their importance in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and stratigraphy. The book starts with a history of coccolithophore studies followed by chapters discussing coccolithophore biology, and the composition, function ...

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Coccolithophores and diatoms resilient to ocean alkalinity

Coccolithophores and diatoms have often been studied alongside each other as they have distinct onsets in the seasonal phytoplankton succession and their unique physiological adaptations and ecological niches are apparent on both ecological and geological time scales (21–23).One recent hypothesis suggests that OAE could have a …

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Growth and mortality of coccolithophores during spring …

Coccolithophores were present at all of the sites sampled within the Celtic Sea during spring. By assuming a chlorophyll-a content of 0.34 pg cell −1 (the average content for E. huxleyi) (Daniels et al., 2014) coccolithophores generally displayed very low estimated contributions to total chlorophyll-a (≤2.4%) along with PP (≤1.3%) (Table 2).

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Phagocytosis in Marine Coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa …

Coccolithophores play a significant role in marine calcium carbonate production and carbon cycles, attributing to their unique feature of producing calcareous plates, coccoliths. Coccolithophores also possess a haplo-diplontic life cycle, presenting distinct morphology types and calcification states. However, differences in nutrient …

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Coccolithophore community response to ocean acidification …

Coccolithophores are a group of calcifying phytoplankton that can reach high abundances in the Mediterranean Sea, and whose responses to OA are modulated …

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Coastal zones as important habitats of coccolithophores: A …

Coccolithophores are unicellular calcifying eukaryotes with a complex life-cycle; they are important primary producers, and major drivers of global biogeochemical cycles. The majority of research on coccolithophores has been focused on open ocean waters, while the knowledge of their roles in coastal ecosystems is limited.

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Malformation in coccolithophores in low pH waters: …

Oceanic calcifying plankton such as coccolithophores is expected to exhibit sensitivity to climate change stressors such as warming and acidification. Observational studies on coccolithophore communities along with carbonate chemistry provide important perceptions of possible adaptations of these organisms to ocean acidification. However, …

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Coccolithophore biomineralization: New questions, new …

Coccolithophores are single celled marine photosynthetic protists belonging to the Haptophyte division of the chromalveolate eukaryotes. They are significant components of the marine phytoplankton with certain species, such as the cosmopolitan Emiliania huxleyi able to form massive blooms in temperate and sub-polar waters. …

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A joint proteomic and genomic investigation provides …

Coccolithophores are globally abundant, calcifying microalgae that have profound effects on marine biogeochemical cycles, the climate, and life in the oceans.

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Illuminating the Carbon Cycle: Coccolithophores' Ability To …

Coccolithophores, a globally ubiquitous type of phytoplankton, play an essential role in the cycling of carbon between the ocean and atmosphere. New research from Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences shows that these vital microbes can survive in low-light conditions by taking up dissolved organic forms of carbon, forcing researchers …

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Abstract. Coccolithophores are globally important marine calcifying phytoplankton that utilize a haplo-diplontic life cycle. The haplo-diplontic life cycle allows coccolithophores to divide in both life cycle phases and potentially expands coccolithophore niche volume. Research has, however, to date largely overlooked the …

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A coastal coccolithophore maintains pH …

Ocean acidification will potentially inhibit calcification by marine organisms; however, the response of the most prolific ocean calcifiers, coccolithophores, to this perturbation remains under ...

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On the Genesis and Function of Coccolithophore Calcification

The functional group of coccolithophores consists of calcifying eukaryotic unicellular phytoplankton that produces minuscule CaCO 3 structures, named coccoliths, surrounding the cell, and forming a coccosphere. Coccolithophores occupy an important role in carbon cycling dynamics over short and geological time scales due to the process …

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Biology and Paleontology of Coccolithophores (Haptophytes)

Coccolithophores have very extensive fossil records, making them an attractive group for study of microevolutionary patterns through combined study of molecular genetics, the …

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Coccolithophores: an environmentally significant and …

Coccolithophores are unique primary producers in the ocean with the ability to calcify. They are known to produce calcareous scales, which form the significant part of calcite oozes or chalk deposits on the seafloor. Coccolithophores are very noteworthy and they are explored to a great extent as nannofossils to reconstruct the …

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Phenological characteristics of global …

The relative timings of the chlorophyll and PIC concentration peaks are used to assess whether blooms of coccolithophores and other noncalcifying phytoplankton co-occur, and thus exhibit some degree of …

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Cycling carbon with coccolithophores | Nature Geoscience

Marine plankton help mediate biogeochemical cycles throughout the Earth system, especially the movement of carbon through the ocean. Coccolithophores, a pervasive group of calcifying organisms in ...

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